Oregon forbids the sale and installation of wood stoves or inserts that are not EPA certified. Uncertified stoves must also be removed when a home is sold. A permit must be obtained from the local building codes department before installing a new wood stove or insert. For more information and frequently asked questions, please click here. To view the regulation language, click here.
Updated: February 2024

No incentives for wood or pellet stoves that we are aware of at the moment.
Past Incentives: Oregon used to provide a state tax credit between $144 - $1,500, depending on the efficiency of the stove model. This program expired in 2017.
Change-out Programs
Wood Stove Replacement Program | Pendelton
Wood Stove Exchange Program | Washington County
Website: https://www.washingtoncountyor.gov/commdev/wood-stove-exchange-program
Status: Active as of November 2023
Program Boundary Area: Washington County
Eligible fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> heat pump, gas, pellet (certified), wood (certified, only available to households who are eligible for a full cost replacement grant)
Notable feature: Rental properties are eligible with approval from the property owner.
Incentive Amounts
Washington County offers rebates of $1,500-$4,000 when you replace your old wood stove or insert with a new stove, insert, or other heating system. Some households will qualify for a full cost replacement (up to $5,500), based on income. The size of your rebate depends on your household size and household income.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted.
The application is designed to pre-qualify you for the exchange program and determine if you qualify for a rebate or free replacement. Follow the submission instructions on the application. Call 503-846-4425 if you have questions. Program staff will visit your home to verify the age and eligibility of your current wood stove and discuss replacement options with you. Once approved, you will receive a letter confirming the amount of your rebate, or your eligibility for a free replacement.​ Once you receive a rebate approval letter listing program vendors, you can start shopping with those approved vendors. Rebate participants are encouraged to get multiple bids from the approved program vendors. Heating devices, services and warranties may vary between these vendors. For households receiving a free replacement, staff will work directly with you and an approved vendor or installer to prepare for the project. Once your project is finished and permitted, program staff will pay your vendor the amount of your rebate. Any additional balance due is paid by the resident.
Old wood stoves and wood stove inserts that are replaced in this program must be destroyed or rendered inoperable. The vendor/installer will handle this. Wood stove must be an "essential het source during winter months" to be eligible for replacement. For renter households who qualify for a grant (free replacement), the property owner is required to contribute 20% of the total project costs (approximately $600-$1000)
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website. They can also be reached via their main line at 503-846-4425 or reach by email at WoodstoveExchangeProgram@washingtoncountyor.gov.