Summary of Participant Survey
Summary of Participant Survey of 2016 Pellet Stove Design Challenge
April 18, 2016
A yearlong project to test and assess pellet stoves is entered its first phase last summer. This first phase focused on the most popular pellet stoves in North America and aimed to help consumers identify the most efficient stoves and how best to operate them.
The initiative is being led by the Alliance for Green Heat with a wide group of partner organizations and stove experts. Pellet stoves are increasingly popular in North America and Europe, are far cleaner than wood stoves and have enormous potential to replace fossil heating fuel.
The second phase of the project will feature an international stove technology competition to spotlight innovative and high performing pellet stoves and prototypes. At the competition, there will also be a 3-day workshop with a series of roundtable discussions, presentations, lab and testing workshops and more. The event will be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory from April 6-8 in Upton, New York.
Applications for innovative stove designs are now being accepted and 6-8 finalists will be chosen by the Project Advisory Committee. We urge anyone considering entering a stove or stove prototype to fill out the letter of interest as soon as possible. The full application is due on January 26, 2016.
Attendee registration has begun. Attendees will be able to visit the labs and see the testing and attend 3 days of presentations, workshops and round table discussions about pellet stove heating, culminating in an awards ceremony recognizing the winning stoves in the competition
1. 2015/16 Stove Challenge
10. Selection of Teams
16. Call for Speakers & Poster Topics
17. Registration