Tax-Credits & Incentives
States - Vermont
Updated: June 2022
Pellet Boiler
Financial Incentive:
Rebate, tax credits
Residential, Commercial
Pellet stoves, pellet boilers, furnaces
Pellet stoves: Replacing an old wood stove with an EPA-certified, high-efficiency wood stove can qualify homeowners in Vermont with a tax credit or rebate ranging from $150 to $250, depending on the partner and the stove. Eligible stoves can be found here.
Pellet boilers: Rebates are for new, high-efficiency wood pellet boilers or furnaces installed as primary central heating systems in homes or businesses. Systems must be pellet-only, must be classified as indoor systems, and installed inside by an eligible contractor. The offer entails a $3,000 post-purchase rebate and $3,000 installer incentive. Eligible appliances can be found here.
Contact Info:
Phone: 1-888-921-5990
Link: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/rebates/list/wood-stoves
Pellet stove rebate
Vermont is one of the first states to have a stand-alone pellet rebate program that provides $650 to purchaser an eligible pellet stove, $750 to replace a certified wood stove and $1,000 to replace a uncertified wood stove. Eligible pellet stoves must emit no more than 2 grams of particulates per hour and be listed by the EPA as 70% efficient or higher. .