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Funders of the Collaborative Stove Design Workshop

The Workshop is part of the ongoing Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge, overseen by the Alliance for Green Heat.  It is made possible by generous grants from NYSERDA, Osprey Foundation and the US Forest Service.  It is also made possible by our host, Brookhaven National Lab.


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), a public benefit corporation, offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and funding to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA has been developing partnerships to advance innovative energy solutions in New York State since 1975.

In 2014, NYSERDA launched Renewable Heat NY, a $27 million initiative aimed at building a sustainable, high-efficiency, low-emissions wood heating sector in New York to support economic development while preserving the environment. Renewable Heat NY promotes the highest efficiency class of wood-fired heating technologies in the nation, andis expected to make New York State a national leader in developing this low-emissions industry. Environmental and public health benefits, along with a reduction in fossil-fuel use, an increase in sustainable forestry, and the expansion of the wood pellet and equipment supply chains, will benefit communities across the state. Renewable Heat NY will reduce wood smoke, fine particle, and carbon monoxide emissions by offering incentives to retire and recycle highly polluting outdoor and indoor wood boilers and wood stove technologies and replace them with high-efficiency, low emissions wood heating technologies.


Founded in 2002, The Osprey Foundation is a small family foundation that strives to empower individuals and communities through education, health, economic opportunity and human rights in a sustainable way.We connect, educate, and energize through both proven and cutting edge projects in order to push the boundaries of development. Our aim is to inspire global citizens to realize their own potential to tackle the social, environmental, and economic challenges the world faces today. We envision a world of equality, tolerance, and equanimity.


The Forest Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a multi-faceted agency that protects and manages 154 national forests and grasslands in 44 states and Puerto Rico and is the world’s largest forestry research organization. Our experts provide technical and financial help to state and local government agencies, businesses, private landowners to help protect and manage non-federal forest and associated range and watershed lands.

On June 18, 2003, The Departments of Energy, Interior, and Agriculture announced an initiative to encourage the use of woody biomass from forest and rangeland restoration and hazardous fuels treatment projects. The three Departments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Policy Principles for Woody Biomass Utilization for Restoration and Fuel Treatment on Forests, Woodlands, and Rangelands, supporting woody biomass utilization as a recommended option to use to reduce hazardous fuels rather than burning or employing other on-site disposal methods.
One of the greatest challenges facing forest managers in the United States on both public and private lands is restoring and maintaining the health and resilience of forest ecosystems. Adapting to climate change and mitigating the effects increases both the magnitude of the effort needed and the urgency of taking action. One option for adaptation and mitigation is sustainable woody biomass utilization.


Brookhaven National Laboratory is a multipurpose research institution funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Located on the center of Long Island, New York, Brookhaven Lab brings world-class facilities and expertise to the most exciting and important questions in basic and applied science—from the birth of our universe to the sustainable energy technology of tomorrow.The Laboratory's almost 3,000 scientists, engineers, and support staff are joined each year by more than 4,000 visiting researchers from around the world. Our award-winning history stretches back to 1947, and we continue to unravel mysteries from the nanoscale to the cosmic scale, and everything in between.

The Energy Conversion Group offers advanced technical solutions to achieve reduced fossil fuel use in geothermal power and building energy applications. We seek to continuously improve the capabilities of relevant research tools being applied in collaborative initiatives to achieving these goals.  The group also studies wood boilers and air-pollutant emissions from advanced wood combustion. Wood is becoming an increasingly critical issue in the northeast and is becoming a dominant source of particulates for the region.  Work on particulate emissions aims to ensure that the growth of direct use of wood and solid biomass fuel occurs in as environmentally positive a manner as possible.  With NYSERDA and the U.S. EPA, group members have been working on efficiency test methods for wood boilers.


Thanks Olympia Chimney for donating stove pipe and installation materials and to John Pilger of Chief Chimney Services for installing the stoves.


Thanks to Woodstock Soapstone and Blake King stove for underwriting a dinner for all the teams, organizers, technicians and participants!


Thanks to Masonry Heaters Association for assistance with testing the stoves!

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