Change-out Programs
Updated November, 2023
Wood Stoves and Wood Fireplace Change Out Incentive Program
Sacramento County, California
Status: Closed as of October 17, 2023
Location: Countywide
Eligible fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, gas, electric; Wood (certified) -> pellet, gas, propane, electric; Pellet -> gas, propane, electric
Notable feature(s): Open to renters; includes rebates to replace certified stoves with gas or pellet and even rebates to replace pellet stoves with gas or electric.
Incentive Amounts
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is currently offering up to $1,500 vouchers for low-income Sacramento County residents to replace an uncertified wood appliance with an EPA certified wood appliance, or pellet, gas, or electric appliance. Low-income residents are also eligible for $1,500 vouchers if they replace an EPA certified wood appliance with a pellet, gas, propane, or electric appliance, or if they replace a pellet appliance with a gas, propane, or electric appliance. For program status, check the District’s website at www.airquality.org.
Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted. Sacramento COunty residents with gross annual income levels below those specified based on household size are eligible to apply for the low income program. If these requirements are not met, there is also the non-low income incentive program. If you are a renter, you must get approval from your landlord. A "Renter Property Owner" form must be completed and signed by the landlord.
To qualify for a voucher, applicants must submit a voucher application, income form, proof of income (e.g., Social Security award letter, tax return, etc.), and proof of Sacrament County residence (e.g., SMUD or PG&E statement, telephone bill statement). The District will issue a voucher valued up to $1500 that can be used to lower the purchase price of the new device at a participating retailer.
Participating retailers are responsible for verifying that the old device qualifies for the voucher, recycling the old device, and completing the installation. The District also reserves the right to inspect the device for compliance. The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District's Rule 417 bans the installation of uncertified wood and pellet stoves and traditional open hearth fireplaces.
More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact the District at (916) 440-9663 or woodstove@airquality.org.
Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD No Burn Rule: In order to lower the impacts of particulate matter emissions from residential wood burning, the District is implementing a Check Before You Burn Program (November 1st – End of February) each year. No burn advisories are issued each day based on a forecasted air quality particulate matter level for the next day. The District issues either a "Stage I" or "Stage II" no burn restriction. Stage I prohibits solid fuel burning in a Non-EPA certified wood burning device. A more restrictive Stage II no burn advisory prohibits sold fuel burning which includes wood, pellets, logs, etc. for the day. There are exemptions for Sacramento County residents if their fireplace is their sole source of heat or for financial hardships.
When purchasing an EPA certified device, please keep in mind you will not be able to use it during Stage II no burn days. The number of days can vary from one year to another depending on weather conditions. To find out if you can burn, you can contact the burn hot line or signup for burn advisory.
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