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Change-out Programs


Updated August 26th, 2016

Vancouver Wood Stove Replacement Program

Vancouver, Washington

Status: Active as of August 2016

Location: Vancouver Urban Growth Area

Eligible fuels: Wood (uncertified) -> wood (certified), pellet, gas, electricity, oil, other

Notable feature(s): Participation in other funding programs (e.g., EnergyTrustClark Public Utilities, etc.) does not prevent a homeowner from receiving funding under this program. Grants, loans, rebates, etc. are encouraged to be combined to reduce the homeowner's out-of-pocket cost.

Incentive Amounts
The Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) offers $375-$2000 grants to homeowners to replace their wood burning stoves and inserts (fireplaces excluded), that do not meet the emissions limits set by the State of Washington, with EPA-certified wood stoves that meet the state limitspellet stoves that meet the state limits, or alternate fuel devices (e.g., natural gas, propane, electric, etc.). Income qualified applicants are eligible for double-value grants ($750-$4000). Homeowners in the eligible area can also receive $250 for recycling a wood stove which is not currently found on the Washington Department of Ecology’s approved list

Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted. It is scheduled to be active from 2015 through June 30, 2017 (as of August 9, 2016, 55% of the program funding has already been exhausted).

The program has two (2) options. Homeowners can apply for a bounty option and receive a check for recycling their old, un-approved device, or they can apply for the replacement option and receive a grant voucher ($375-$4000; expires 6 weeks from issuance) to replace their un-approved wood stove with an approved device from a participating vendor. The voucher is treated “same-as-cash” by the vendors, who will also make arrangements to have the old wood stove destroyed.

Replacement: The property where the un-approved wood stove is installed must be within the Vancouver Urban Growth Area (UGA), the resident(s) must burn at least one (1) cord of wood per year (on average) and the current wood stove must not appear on the state’s list of approved wood stoves.
Bounty: The property must be within the UGA and contain an installed wood stove which does not appear on the current list of approved devicesThe sale of an un-approved wood stove is illegal in the state of Washington. All applicants (replacement or bounty options) must be the homeowner, not a tenant. The un-approved wood stove must currently be installed in the home. Wood stoves which have already been removed from the home are not eligible for either program option.

More Information
For more information, please visit the program website or contact the Southwest Clean Air Agency at (360) 574-3058, ext. 114 or

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