Change-out Programs
Updated May, 2023
Advanced Wood Heat Incentive & Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program (SSREIP)
Website: https://www.rerc-vt.org/
Status: Active as of May 1, 2023
Location: Statewide
Eligible fuels: existing fuel ? wood pellet boiler or furnace (high-efficiency); wood ? wood or pellet (high-efficiency); coal ? wood or pellet (high efficiency)
Notable feature(s): 13 different pellet boilers and furnaces qualify for the SSREIP Advanced Wood Heating System incentive; 100+ wood or pellet stoves qualify for Efficiency Vermont’s Wood and Pellet Stoves incentive.
Incentive Amounts
Vermont residents are eligible to receive a $3,000 discount on the cost of installing an efficient central wood pellet heating system when they work with an Efficiency Excellence Network contractor. This incentive can be combined with an additional $3,000 rebate from Efficiency Vermont if the chosen wood pellet boiler or furnace is on the Qualified Products List. Program Duration
The program is ongoing until funds are depleted. Incentives are distributed on a first come, first served basis.
For the $3,000 installer incentive, your qualified installer will apply. To receive the $3,000 post-purchase rebate, apply online through the rebate form after purchasing and installing your qualified product.
The wood pellet boiler or furnace must be used as a primary central heating system. The system has to be pellet-only and be classified as an indoor system, being installed inside. Additionally, the system must have a least 1 ton fuel storage and automated on/off and fuel feed. All pellet boilers or furnaces should be rated as 85% efficient or higher and emit no more than .08 lbs/mmBtu for PM2.5.
More Information
For more information, please contact the program administrator, the Renewable Energy Resource Center at (877) 888-7372 or visit their web site at: www.RERC-VT.org. The program is funded and overseen by the VT Clean Energy Development Fund and the Department of Environmental Conservation's Air Quality and Climate Division. Cord Wood and Pellet Stoves Incentive Amounts
Vermont residents are also eligible for a $400 discount at time of purchase when replacing an old wood stove with a new, high-efficiency wood or pellet stove.
First, confirm your eligibility and then contact a participating retailer to purchase a qualifying stove. The discount is applied at time of purchase.
The new stove must be listed in the Qualified Products List, ensuring that the stove is EPA certified, meets <2.0 GPH emissions ratings, and is >75% efficient. This cannot be combined with any other point-of-purchase discounts. The new wood stove must be installed by a National Fireplace Institute Specialist (self-installed stoves are not eligible).
Coal Change-Out Adder
Incentive Amounts
Vermont residents can combine a “coal change-out adder” with existing CEDF incentives and get up to 50% off the cost of a new heating system. This can add up to $7,000 for residential projects.
First, find a RERC or Efficiency Vermont retailer/installer. They will apply on your behalf before the project starts. After RERC reviews the application and determines the adder amount, the customer will receive approval and the voucher. The retailer/installer will go forward with completing the project and eventually submits the voucher, invoice, and photos of the installed system. The retailer/installer receives the change-out adder check from the CEDF.
An existing coal heater must already be installed and functional. This coal heater must be destroyed or recycled once it is replaced with the wood heating system. The replacement wood heating system must be eligible for the CEDF pellet boiler/furnace incentive (see above) or it must be Step Two EPA certified with a <2.0 GPH emissions rating and anEPA rating of >70% efficiency.
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